African Drums

Sabar Drumming Is from The Wolloff Tribe from northern Senegal and was used to communicate to villagers and their community, the people heard the beating of the Sabar Drum and respond to the message. However the playing of Sabar Drumming is very important in the Wolloff community, in every occasion you name, the Sabar Drumming most likely be played. My Teacher told me that the beating of The Sabar Drumming is communication. You will also hear Sabar drumming beating in the Senegalese pop music. There is another tribe in Gambia, the Serer Tribe and they also play the Sabar Drum.

Sabar Drumming is played with a stick and your hand and when you have acquired the knowledge of playing the Sabar drumming you will have the ability to play any type of drumming.You see if you know how to play Sabar Drumming you can play the Djembe also, the same beating you play on the Sabar Drum you can play the same beat on the Djembe with both your hands without a stick or you can also play the Sabar beating on a Djembe with a stick and you hand but it is best to get a real Sabar Drum.