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African Drumming Lessons With master drummer Josephus Bull

Sabar drums

Learn to play African drums & rhythms in only minutes with a master tutor

Welcome, I am Josephus Bull, your drumming teacher on this website. I am from Sierra Leone and live in The United Kingdom. I started playing drums with friends around my neighbourhood when I was living in Sierra Leone. My inspiration came from my Uncle who was a master drummer. I have studied African drumming in University in Ghana, Gambia, Guinea, and Senegal.

What drumming can you learn?

I will teach you today how to play the sabar drum, atraditional West African drum that originates from Senegal. This drum is wonderful because it helps you learn the skills to play any kind of drum, and play two, three or four drums together. I have taught many master djembe drummers how to play the sabar.

Easy to follow video lessons

  • I will teach you how to play the most difficult drumming rhythms in only a few minutes by breaking the beating down.
  • With a video lesson you can learn at your own pace and repeat sections as many times as you like.
  • Drumming can help you relax and improve your concentration, rhythm and creativity.
Free Sample Lesson

This is the introduction to my
Beginner Series of drumming lessons

Once you've tried this video, take your next steps into learning African Sabar drumming with my beginner lessons ->

How to buy these lessons
Beginner lessons with Josephus Only

£4.99 per lesson or
£39.99 for all 10 lessons

My beginner lessons will teach you 10
traditional sabar rhythms

Take me to the lessons