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Josephus's Blog

Josephus Bull's Blog

Sabar Drumming


Sabar Drumming normally played by seven drummers each playing a unique Sabar Drum, Nder, Lamba, Tungune, Mbung Mbung,The Nder is the lead drum, all the Sabar Drums play a particular beating,but when the Nder call, all of the Sabar drummers most respond to the Nder, this can happen for one or two munite, and the Nder will call again for all the Sabar Drummers to return back to their individual Sabar drum beating.

Sabar Drumming is played with a stick and your hand, when you have acquired the knowledge of playing the Sabar drumming you will have the ability to play any type of Drumming.You see if you know how to play Sabar Drumming you can play the Djembe also,the same beating you play on the Sabar Drum you can play the same beating on the Djembe with both your hands without a stick.or you can also play the Sabar beating on a Djembe with a stick and you hand.but it is best to get a real Sabar Drum.

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